Poole's Cavern and Buxton Country Park is found 1/2 mile from Buxton town centre on Green Lane. Follow the brown signs at road junctions on all approaches to Buxton.
Directions to Buxton
We are situated on Green Lane, Buxton, SK17 9DH.
Postcodes are not always accurate when using satellite navigation. Please always check the route it has given you before setting off, and cross reference with a map.
Public Transport
By Train
Northern Railway operates a train service from Manchester to Buxton, see www.northernrailway.co.uk for further details.
By Bus
High Peak Buses run services in and around Buxton. For further details please visit The High Peak Buses Website.
Check out the Explore Buxton Website for things to do in Buxton
Google Maps
Car park
Pay and display car park for 80 vehicles priced at £2.00 for 4 hours, or £3.00 all day. Level access to visitor centre.
BCA members get free parking as well as a range of other benefits as part of an annual subscription. Join BCA